Look at American blogs, almost every blogger uses the "sacred rules". In Germany, on the other hand, this form is still almost completely unknown. Even though she's so critical. Good headlines . clear texts . Strong calls to action . These are all tools of a copywriter. And every blogger should make these tools their own. Because they take you incredibly far. 2. The headline is the most important element Even though the headline falls under "copywriting," it deserves a point of its own.
Of course, the actual content is important. But if your headline doesn't appeal to self-interest , provide news , or pique your reader's curiosity , then your article will go unread and disappear into nirvana. Just look at the old copywriters. Sometimes they just sat on a single headline for weeks. Or book authors. Same thing. When I write Israel phone number list a headline, I write at least 20-30 variations. The guys and gals at Upworthy do it too . And if you rummage through the monkey blog, you'll quickly notice which articles have a good headline and which don't. Those with a good headline tend to get a lot of social shares and lots of comments. But let's look at a good negative example – “ Are you actually offering a great guarantee.
No self interest. No news. Just a little curiosity. A pretty weak headline. I don't know what I was thinking either. 3. Quantity makes itself felt When I started blogging 1.5 years ago, I wrote 2 articles a week . For the past few months, however, I've reduced the number to once a week to tend to my monkey book . And a downturn was clearly noticeable. Do not get me wrong. Quality always goes over quantity. But quantity still makes itself felt. Neil Patel confirms my statement here again. Quantity is king somewhere after all. my number again in the future and publish more often. One person in particular benefits from this. You. I plan to increase my number back to 2 times a week.