3. Help your readers. This is the best thing that you can do to really sell your coaching programs. Give your readers an assurance that you can help them out by simply making your articles useful. What I suggest is that you talk about the problems of these people and offer them with solutions or talk about their goals and help them achieve these. Through this, you'll be able to showcase your in-depth knowledge and you'll be able to make your readers happy at the same time.
4. Send your traffic to your squeeze page. Although you would want your readers to pay your site a visit, I would recommend that you send them to your Asia Email List squeeze page first so you can get them to sign up to your newsletters. This is very, very important as you'll need to make follow-ups in the future. That will become a lot easier if you have their contact information.
5. Offer freebies. Your main goal in doing article marketing is getting people to click-through your resource box. This will most likely to happen if you reward them should they respond to you call to action. Tell these people that should they click the link on your resource box, they'll get free but very informative and useful newsletters or short eBooks. I am sure this will tremendously help in increasing your click through rate.