Wannsee was thus about who should have the leading role in the mass murders, but also about who should be singled out as the victim and with what methods. We have a detailed report Besprechungsprotoll from this gentlemen s company. The minutes, written by Eichmann, were drawn up in copies and were to be kept secret. After the war, assistant US prosecutor at the Nuremberg Tribunal, Robert W. Kempner, found one copy in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, probably deposited there by Luther. Kempner was himself a German Jew who had gone into exile in America.
He returned as an American military lawyer and now presented the document as an indictment at Nuremberg. Beyond all doubt it documented what the Nazis whatsapp mobile number list wanted. It has been called the most indecent document of the th century. Heydrich began by making it clear that the policy towards the Jews had changed from emigration to evacuation For many years the debate had revolved around the fate of the Jews. It was about forced emigration to Palestine and Madagascar, and now deportation to the east.
The report suggests that Eichmann became a stickler for writing euphemistically blossoming omskrivande to hide his crimes. In Jerusalem in Eichmann said he had to edit the minutes to weed out all the vulgarities, profanities and gender references. All flourishing paraphrases were gone. There was talk of executions, murder, gassing, shooting and death through marches. Many high gentlemen were amused when the talk came up about sterilization and forced divorce to protect the German blood Eichmann also said that the minute long conference.